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We Find Hidden Adjectives!

We Find Hidden Adjectives!

Do you want to learn the concept of adjective from the elements of the sentence? Would you like to recognize adjectives in a sentence and use them appropriately? I can hear you say yes. Come on, let's find out what an adjective is and discover the tips for finding it easily in a sentence together!


Group Lesson : 3 Kids

7 - 9 Years

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We Find Hidden Adjectives!

Class Duration: 40 Minutes

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About This Class

Do you want to learn the concept of adjective from the elements of the sentence? Would you like to recognize adjectives in a sentence and use them appropriately? I can hear you say yes. Come on, let's find out what an adjective is and discover the tips for finding it easily in a sentence together!

Duration: 40 Minutes

Recommended Age Group : 7 - 9 Years

•Learn the concept of adjective (pronoun).
• Will be able to find adjectives in the sentence.
• Will be able to use the adjective correctly in a sentence.

•A quiet environment.
• Notebook, pencil and eraser,
•Colored paints,
•A4 paper.

•Meet the participants.
• Do not say the names of the objects around.
•Describing objects.
• Noticing adjectives.
•Learning the concept of adjectives.
•Using adjectives in a sentence.
•Learning the methods of finding adjectives with games.

At the end of the lesson, the object description game can be played. (In the game, which can be played with 2 or more people, an object is selected. Everyone writes words that answer the question "How?" within 1 minute without showing it to the person in front of them. The person who writes the most words at the end of the time gets 1 point. The game can be played as long as desired.)






Hello, I'm your instructor Ayten. I am a classroom teacher. I graduated from Kocaeli Education Institute Classroom Teaching Department. I have been working as a teacher since 1979. Throughout my professional life, I offer an educational environment where hundreds of children are self-confident, self-aware, curious about learning and enjoy learning. In addition to using Web 2.0 tools, I enrich my lessons with games and entertaining content.

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