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Let's Compost! (6 - 9 Years)

Let's Compost! (6 - 9 Years)

We will learn and try the natural recycling process of organic waste.
Organic wastes (vegetable peels, fruit residues, fallen leaves, etc.)
The material is called compost.


Group Lesson : 10 Kids

6 - 9 Years

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Let's Compost! (6 - 9 Years)

Class Duration: 75 Minutes

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About This Class

We will learn and try the natural recycling process of organic waste.
Organic wastes (vegetable peels, fruit residues, fallen leaves, etc.)
The material is called compost.

Duration: 75 Minutes

Recommended Age Group : 6 - 9 Years

When children make compost, they throw their wastes with high nutritional value.
learns to transform into lands.
The aim of this workshop is to teach the compost process, the importance of separating our waste and recycling through a hands-on experiment.
The student will be able to examine the small compost to be made during the workshop in the following weeks and carry out a biological experiment alone, in which he can follow the process.

In the materials section, the fruits and vegetables that cannot be removed by hand are in the shells.
If there is, cut it with a knife.

One wide-mouth glass jar (at least half a liter)
Two handfuls of earth
unpainted cardboard carton
A bowl of uncooked fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, tea pulp
1 glass of water

Duygu Nermin






He graduated from science teaching departments in 2008 and industrial product design departments in 2014. After completing her undergraduate education, she mainly designed content and products for children's science exhibitions. She worked on products for use in urban life in order to reduce the burden on mothers due to gender inequality and to increase the bond between fathers and their children. He is currently working on zero waste product design and trainings that will strengthen the environment and human bond.

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Duygu Nermin


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